Tag: celebration

WEEKLY MENU 01.10.21

WEEKLY MENU 01.10.21

We’re just hanging during the Weekly Menu 01.10.21 – and are happy to do it! We’re just hanging (that’s the title of the Post Pic, which is by TL Strot on Unsplash) during the Weekly Menu 01.10.21. De-decking the halls around here and righting the 

20 Seriously Festive Cocktail Recipes

20 Seriously Festive Cocktail Recipes

Seriously festive cocktail recipes for every occasion and holiday throughout the year! Recipes for 21+, please drink responsibly. How do you make it a party? Light a candle and dispense a single, impressive “Cocktail of the Day” along with a few crackers. Add in some 

WEEKLY MENU 07.28.19

WEEKLY MENU 07.28.19

Screaming into August and the weeks are as busy as ever! Weekly Menu 07.28.19 includes a huge birthday at our house: BERT! Bert’s Birthday has always been easy for me to remember – it’s the same date as my parents anniversary! They’re celebrating in heaven,