Tag: Fall

WEEKLY MENU 11.05.23

WEEKLY MENU 11.05.23

We’re stirring things up during the Weekly Menu 11.05.23~ Comfort food season is back in swing during the Weekly Menu 11.05.23. Comfort food means soups and stews as well as baking. (I did jazz hands over here – can you imagine it?) Sure, baking cakes 

WEEKLY MENU 10.08.23

WEEKLY MENU 10.08.23

A road trip classic is honored during the Weekly Menu 10.08.23~ We’re having a vending machine inspired meal during the Weekly Menu 10.08.23! Erie is centrally located between Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Cleveland, which means we are about a 100 miles in any direction to a 

WEEKLY MENU 11.06.22

WEEKLY MENU 11.06.22

It’s time (see what I did there) to fall back during the Weekly Menu 11.06.22~ We leaf (we’re punny today) Daylight Savings Time behind during the Weekly Menu 11.06.22. As usual, there is a big hoopla in the media about how many people want to 

WEEKLY MENU 10.16.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.16.22

We’re doing a (very) light dive into the Last Frontier during the Weekly Menu 10.16.22~ Alaska Day falls during the Weekly Menu 10.16.22 – this year it’s on Tuesday, October 18th. What is Alaska Day? It celebrates the anniversary of the day the territory was 

WEEKLY MENU 09.18.22

WEEKLY MENU 09.18.22

Fall arrives during the Weekly Menu 09.18.22, so we’re adding a few autumnal foods to greet it! Our Weekly Menu 09.18.22 declares FALL IS HERE! But not until Thursday, when it actually happens. Did you know that the autumnal equinox doesn’t happen on the same 

WEEKLY MENU 11.14.21

WEEKLY MENU 11.14.21

We continue to celebrate autumn during the Weekly Menu 11.14.21 while we look forward to the best meal of the year and all that brings with it. When we get to “Soup-Friday” during the Weekly Menu 11.14.21, Baby Boy will be here. Yippee! The “coming