Tag: Good Friday

WEEKLY MENU 03.28.21

WEEKLY MENU 03.28.21

Lent is coming to an end with a family classic meal during the Weekly Menu 03.28.21. How adorbs is the bird on the Weekly Menu 03.28.21? It’s a Puffin. I think I like it because it’s “stocky”, but the orange feet certainly don’t hurt. Puffins are 

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

We’re really getting into the hang of eating at home for three squares. Our Weekly Menu 04.05.20 gives you inspiration for dinner! We’ve been walking the neighborhood every day now. The sheer number of birds is pretty impressive. Because the leaves haven’t popped yet, you 

Weekly Menu 04.14.19

Weekly Menu 04.14.19

Our Weekly Menu 04.14.19 runs up to the Holiday Weekend! It’s a little hard to believe that Easter is almost here, but the Weekly Menu 04.14.19 has a breakfast for dinner that proves it! Growing up, we always colored eggs on Good Friday. Back in