Tag: summer eats

WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

We’re going PINK during the Weekly Menu 07.30.23~ Why are we pink themed for the Weekly Menu 07.30.23? It’s all Barbie, baby. The singular reason that I was sad about three boys was the fact that we wouldn’t get to indulge in baby girl clothes. 

WEEKLY MENU 05.28.23

WEEKLY MENU 05.28.23

We’re observing Memorial Day during the Weekly Menu 05.28.23, a solemn United States holiday that heralds the unofficial start to summer. The Weekly Menu 05.28.23 includes plans for Memorial Day, which is a US holiday observed the last Monday in May. It is one of 

WEEKLY MENU 07.25.21

WEEKLY MENU 07.25.21

Easy meals are the star of our Weekly Menu 07.25.21~ Fast, easy meals are the star of the Weekly Menu 07.25.21. We’re grilling, quickly sautéing and basically spending as little time in the kitchen as possible. Did you know that starfish are really hearty? (And 

WEEKLY MENU 07.11.21

WEEKLY MENU 07.11.21

We’re paying homage to a regional summertime favorite during the Weekly Menu 07.11.21~ WHAT regional fave are we honoring during the Weekly Menu 07.11.21? I’ve been going to the White Turkey Drive-In for as long as I can remember. My brothers would order a full 

WEEKLY MENU 06.20.21

WEEKLY MENU 06.20.21

We’re celebrating Dad during the Weekly Menu 06.20.21 – and eating well all week! We start out the Weekly Menu 06.20.21 with a dinner to honor our favorite Dad. Bert is going to be pressed into service, but only because he’s the Best Griller Ever 

WEEKLY MENU 06.13.21

WEEKLY MENU 06.13.21

We’re rocking through June with our Weekly Menu 06.13.21 ~ where grilling rules! Poor Bert is manning the grill repeatedly throughout the Weekly Menu 06.13.21. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday… you get the idea. Of course it’s not like I’m taking time off – someone has to