WEEKLY MENU 11.22.20

WEEKLY MENU 11.22.20

Our Weekly Menu 11.22.20 is basically a study in… leftovers! Check out how Thanksgiving week means less time in the kitchen around here. The Weekly Menu 11.22.20 does have us spending some quality time in the kitchen, but we’re reaping the benefits of leftovers from 

WEEKLY MENU 11.08.20

WEEKLY MENU 11.08.20

Speeding through the weeks of fall with brunch ideas (in front of the TV.) Our Weekly Menu 11.08.20 is full of delish dishes for dinner. We do eat at other times during the week, though. Sunday Brunch is a special treat. It came about organically 

WEEKLY MENU 09.13.20

WEEKLY MENU 09.13.20

Our Weekly Menu 09.13.20 reaps the benefits of a summertime of growing here in Erieland. We’re enjoying the lingering harvest at dinners full of veggies! We’re pretty far north, here in Erieland. Right across the lake is Canada, after all. As the crow flies, that’s 

WEEKLY MENU 04.26.20

WEEKLY MENU 04.26.20

Relying more on what’s already in the house for our Weekly Menu 04.26.20 means fewer (masked) trips to the grocery store~ We’ve been baking like crazy around here. I love having cookies in the house, plus last week we had not one, but two birthdays 

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

We’re really getting into the hang of eating at home for three squares. Our Weekly Menu 04.05.20 gives you inspiration for dinner! We’ve been walking the neighborhood every day now. The sheer number of birds is pretty impressive. Because the leaves haven’t popped yet, you 

WEEKLY MENU 03.22.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.22.20

Did spring sneak up on you too? I didn’t see it coming, but we have a little homage (very little) during the Weekly Menu 03.22.20. One of the best ways to entertain yourself and your people is to COOK! Since we’re all sticking around home,