Tag: corn on the cob

WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23

WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23

We’re enjoying one of the seasons best during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23~ We’re savoring one of the bounties of the harvest during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23, which I’m sure you can guess, dear reader, based on the post picture. It’s time for Corn! We would 

WEEKLY MENU 08.21.22

WEEKLY MENU 08.21.22

Baby Boy has been delivered back to school and we’re settling in to the summer bounty during the Weekly Menu 08.21.22 ~ Our farm stands are finally brimming and we’re going to check them out during the Weekly Menu 08.21.22. I LOVE CORN. And I 

Summer Chopped Chicken Salad

Summer Chopped Chicken Salad

Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine had to have the BIG SALAD and George complained about paying for it the entire time? This salad would have made both of them happy. Making a dinner salad at home is so much more cost effective