Tag: motherhood

WEEKLY MENU 05.12.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.12.24

Honoring the ever changing Mama name and role during the Weekly Menu 05.12.24~ Mother’s Day starts out the Weekly Menu 05.12.24, so we’ve got a shout-out to everyone that embodies that position in any way. Being a Mom is my most favorite job. Ever. I 

WEEKLY MENU 05.14.23

WEEKLY MENU 05.14.23

Honoring the constantly changing Mama role during the Weekly Menu 05.14.23~ Mother’s Day starts out the Weekly Menu 05.14.23, so we’ve got a shout-out to everyone that embodies that position in any way. Being a Mom is one of my most favorite jobs. I detail 



“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Elizabeth Stone The job I enjoy more than any other is that of being a mother of three sons. I’m sure