WEEKLY MENU 02.05.23

WEEKLY MENU 02.05.23

We’re eating with chopsticks during the Weekly Menu 02.05.23, so help me~

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National Chopsticks Day happens during the Weekly Menu 02.05.23! People around the world celebrate on February 6th, which is a Monday this year. We’re going to commemorate the day by eating Asian food and using some sticks. We will not be alone.

According to some studies over 1.5 billion people eat with knife, fork and spoon; 1.2 billion with chopsticks, 350 million with knife and hands; and several billion with their hands only.


That’s “billion” with a B. Here’s some other fun facts:

It is thought that chopsticks have been around for between 3,000 and 5,000 years. They originated in China, and legend has it that Chinese philosopher Confucius was a key figure in their development. His focus on non-violent teachings led to the abolishment of eating instruments deemed an association of war of violence, such as knives, should not be present at the dinner table.


Each time you use a chopstick, you are engaging around 50 different muscles and joints within your body including the fingers, wrist, arm and shoulders. Using chopsticks to eat could be more of a workout that you might have imagined!


It is estimated that the Chinese alone use around 45 billion disposable chopsticks every year, the Japanese also use around 25 million a year which is around 200 pairs per person per year!


There are four main different types of chopsticks. The Chinese use a longer length of chopstick with a round or blunt end; the Japanese use shorter, pointer wooden alternatives; the Koreans tend to use shorter, blunt sticks made from metals, plastics or wood. Finally, the Vietnamese use longer sticks, commonly made from plastic or wood. The lengths usually range from 18cm-40cm.


Of course there is also etiquette to them~

Never point chopsticks at fellow diners — even if they’re resting on top of your bowl — and never stick your chopsticks into your food and let them rest there. You should always place them on top of the bowl or plate.


You’re also not supposed to rub chopsticks together – it signifies to the host that you are trying to get rid of splinters. As if they’d give you an inferior set! Do not pass food from chopstick to chopstick. It’s considered unhygienic and rude. (And let’s face it, the probability of a spill is huge.) It’s also good manners to have your sticks straight together instead of crossed. They work as a unit. Speaking of working, how about a tutorial video?

“We” will being using the disposable kind, but there are a ton of options for chopsticks. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for details.) And I’m using the royal “we”. It is doubtful that Bert and the boys will join me in their usage. A girl can hope! And seeing as they are utensils, they’re pretty reasonably priced. These are the basics:

These are a little more fun…

Weekly Menu 02.05.23

So we’re eating Asian style Tuesday, but what does the rest of the week bring? Sunday dinner is a low key Italian meal. We’re starting with bread dipped in oil. Is there anything easier for a starter? We’re skipping the salad and subbing in fabulous peas that are dressed up with some ham. The star of the show will be Chicken Scampi – garlic is definitely a part of this menu.

I’ve been seeing “Depression Cake” everywhere. It has nothing to do with the state of our mental health. It’s been around for years because it became something of a staple during the Great Depression. No eggs, no dairy. Hopefully it’s not “No taste”. We’ll see on Sunday.

On National Chopsticks Day we’re opting for Green Pepper Steak and some “fried rice” that isn’t really fried at all. Plus we use Minute Rice. Super speedy (and low fat) Instant “Fried” Rice makes a perfect side dish.

The menu is a little beef heavy this week (what can I say? That’s what is in the freezer.) So we’re lightening up the Taco Pizza a smidge by using chicken instead of ground beef. I’ll use two chicken breasts (depending on size) cut up into small chunks, sautéed until cooked through in a little bit of oil. Add in about a half a packet of taco seasoning at the end, and it’s ready to top the pizza crust, refried beans and cheese.

Friday soup night is Zuppa Toscana – a family favorite. I’ll make it before Happy Hour this week so we aren’t eating at 8:30 (again).

WEEKLY MENU 02.05.23

Photo by Önder Örtel on Unsplash















Writing is like eating Jelly with chopsticks. You know where you want the food to go, but you just can’t get it there. Joanne McDonnell

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