Evolve Not Resolve This New Year

Evolve Not Resolve This New Year

New Year’s Evolutions: Evolve not Resolve this year.

I’ll say it again. Evolve not resolve this year. Despite the fact that I promise myself every New Year’s and (every Lent) that I’m giving up swearing, it’s not happening. How can I be seasoned properly if I cut out the peppery language? Plus, it’s too late for our boysies. They’ve heard it all.

And although I will truly try to eat healthier, I know I’m not going to lose 50 pounds or go to the gym. I’m never going to the gym.

A resolution is a “firm decision to do or not to do something.”

Evolution is “the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form”

We need a little wiggle room. So, come on. Let’s NOT resolve anything. Let’s actually evolve instead.

Start with a clean slate and slowly DO.

Evolve not Resolve

According to something I read a long time ago, once you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Plan on evolving some GOOD habits this year – one at a time. It’s doubtful that I’ll actually maintain a resolution, but if I plan to slowly evolve? Totally Doable.

By being conscious, and making changes slowly, you’re setting yourself up for success. Pick one and make a habit of it:


Evolve not Resolve

Always look for the best in every situation and every person. Try to be the positive if all else fails. Stay away from those people and situations that are negative and feed on that negativity. De-clutter these people the same way you are planning on de-cluttering your house: one drawer, um,  person at a time. Make positive changes that impact you – eat less, move more. Go for strong and healthy a step at a time. Slowly de-clutter the bad habits that bring you down, and don’t dwell on the negative.


Evolve not Resolve

Of everyone, including yourself. At church a few months ago, the homily was about judgement and how we aren’t the ones that are supposed to be doing it. I’m sad to say that I’m a chief offender of this one, which is why the prayer our priest taught us resonates so well.  If you find yourself judging someone, stop and say “Bless Her, Change Me”.  Everyone is where they’re supposed to be. Let them be.

This counts twice for you. To quote a favorite movie: (DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story . Don’t judge, remember?)

“Remember the 5 D’s of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.”
– Patches O’Houlihan

No, no, that’s not it.

“And I’m here to tell you, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

-Peter La Fleur

Accept it. Accept you. Not to be hokey, LOVE YOU.


Evolve not Resolve

A few weeks ago we were watching a Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game, and the players were coming out of the locker room, heading for the game. They walked through a roomful of people on their way to the ice. One of those people was videoing the procession and watching his phone the whole time. The guy next to him had the phone videoing, but it was held to the side, and he was watching the players, presumably hoping the phone was catching it too. He had a huge grin on his face.

Be the second guy and experience the moment in real time. If you save it for posterity, great. If not, you’ll at least have a great memory.


Evolve not Resolve

Everything. Close to home or far away, take the time to look around and ask why something is, or how it came to be. Travel. Enjoy the journey more without being obsessed with the final destination. Accept the differences in people and places and embrace them. Start small – check out the museums where you live. Look at the history of your locale. Go on a ghost tour. Or a garden tour. Or a university tour. Look at a map and check out a place an hour away from you. Open yourself up to all the possibilities, especially the ones you wouldn’t normally entertain. Explore.


Evolve not Resolve

Every day, if for nothing else, because you woke up. Start a thankfulness litany and add anything that pops into your head. Some can be goofy, and some can be profound. It all matters ~ it’s tough not to be positive when you are acknowledging how much you have to be thankful for. And you don’t have to start a journal or keep a special file on your phone (unless you want to). Acknowledge it, thank the universe for it, and keep moving on.

Evolve, not resolve. One is positive. Let’s do that one. ♥

Evolve not Resolve

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