Tag: meatballs

WEEKLY MENU 11.10.19

WEEKLY MENU 11.10.19

We have a dam good menu for this week~ Weekly menu 11.10.19 leaves plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors while we still can. What did the fish say when it hit the wall? Dam. Our post picture evokes thoughts of Europe, but it’s actually 

Cajun Wedding Soup: Energize an Old Favorite

Cajun Wedding Soup: Energize an Old Favorite

Cajun Wedding Soup isn’t something I’ve ever seen in New Orleans, but NOLA is what inspired this hearty, slightly spicy, soup. Baby Boy is a sausage machine. He loves most proteins, but sausage holds a special place in his heart. This soup is his favorite: 

Weekly Menu 09.23.18

Weekly Menu 09.23.18

I was in a floral store yesterday, and was a little shocked by the sheer quantity of orange. Be careful what you wish for I guess – Happy Fall! Many (many) years ago, during my favorite baby brothers college graduation, we went to Cafe Budapest, 

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

We are starting out his week with some fabulous grilled tuna steaks. We are not one of those families where everyone loves everything every time. I make allowances in what I prepare, so on Sunday, a couple of chicken breasts will be on the grill